BrazilRoxx Jeans Orders:
Please note that most of what we do is made to order. We do keep some items in stock but we ask for 6 to 8 weeks for delivery. Unfortunately our system is not allowing us to show current inventory and letting customers pre-order items at the same time.
When we receive an order we will forward that to Brazil and the whole process starts. If you need a specific length or the jeans to be made skinny, please send us the instructions on your order. Please note that special requests like hemmed jeans cannot be returned.
We like to say that BrazilRoxx jeans is worth waiting for!!
BrazilRoxx Leggings Orders:
We keep a lot in stock but we might have to make it if it's a popular style. We ask for about 3 to 4 weeks for leggings that are not in stock.
Seven Waves Orders:
We should have it in stock or it will show an expected delivery date.